Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 37.

How time flies!

Just went to the Ob and all was ok. Which is lovely.
I think that he thinks Sd and I are slightly strange because we do not appear particularly excited about the impending birth of our child. We're kind of not. I think we are slowly going into some kind of shock. Especially when our doctor says things like 'less than 2 weeks to go!' and we just smile and say 'Yes'.
Not really the reaction to that statement you'd look for in expectant parents!
Underwhelmed anyone?!

Like I keep saying, it is becoming more and more surreal each day that soon we will have a baby.

There is definitely a part of me that will not allow myself to contemplate our future because of what has come before.
When this baby is out of me and in the world then I will feel more able to comprehend what has happened.

Strange but true.

I am sounding more and more deranged as this post continues, so I might leave it at that for now - I think you get the picture!

Hope you are having a lovely week!
And thank you so much for your comments on my last couple of posts.
They were very very kind.



Corinne (aka Rinny of Arabia) said...

Completely understandable!

It's also so utterly strange and surreal, that I think it's hard for any to get excited about.

Best of luck and I'm glad to hear all is going well. x

Anonymous said...

At 37 weeks of pregancy any emotion you feel is pretty much normal!! It's a huge transition and the most wonderful and probably hardest thing I've even done! Hope all goes well over the coming weeks.