Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fiona O'Loughlin.

I read on page 3 of The Sunday Telegraph this morning that comedienne and 'Dancing with the Stars' contestant - Fiona O'Loughlin, has revealed that she is an alcoholic. Since I saw this earlier today, I noticed on a news website a few awful comments regarding her and her situation. It's made me a little bit angry.

Apparently, on Thursday evening, Fiona was drunk on stage and then ended up in hospital. She decided the following morning,I believe after some discussion with her Channel 7 publicist, that she wanted to be honest about her situation.

I don't know if she felt that she had no choice but to make the admission or went against her publicist's advice because she felt she needed to be honest with herself and others about her alcoholism.

Either way, I think she is one brave lady.

It is very difficult to admit your flaws, problems or weaknesses at the best of times.

Telling the whole of Australia that you are an alcoholic must be terrifying. Being the mother of five children and telling the whole of Australia you are an alcoholic must feel like jumping off a cliff. I'm afraid that she might be judged with a very large capital J .

I hope that, as she says in the article, revealing this about herself is a step in the direction of being and staying sober.

There are MANY women and men, just like her, who are also wrestling with a similar truth they cannot bear. I hope that her honesty and bravery are inspiration to others who need to change things in their lives.

And I hope that she is supported, not judged.
