Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fifteen facts.

This is the latest Blog This challenge;

Tell us fifteen facinating, far fetched, frightening, funny or frivilous facts about yourself. Those bits of trivia that are floating around in your life.

Can you eat 10 burgers in one sitting? Do you sleep with your eyes open? Can you tie a cherry stalk into a knot? Speak 5 different languages?

All those things that you've bored your friends and family with for years - We want to know.

1) I can recite , word for word , each episode of 'Fawlty Towers'.
My sister and I loved this TV show SO much that our parents bought us the audio tapes and when we were 6 (her) and 8 (me), we had them on high rotation in our shared bedroom.

2) I will not eat bruised fruit. I have no valid reason. I just wont.

3) In the last couple of years ( I am 36 now ) , I have come to realise that I am shy. I can't believe that this revelation has come so late!!

4) I harbour an intense desire to sing and dance on Broadway , in a chorus line.

5) I love to watch any kind of cooking show. I watch the Food channel on Foxtel like there is no tomorrow. I do NOT like to cook.

6) I love leopard print , however only in small doses.

7) I cannot read a map. To make matters worse, I have no sense of direction either.

8) I can remember the birthdays of girls who I have not seen since high school. 20 years ago.

9) I work in retail and regularly envisage getting out a baseball bat from under the counter to combat vile customers.

10)I cannot speak another language. If I attempt to speak any foreign language, for example ordering something in a restaurant , I immediately start channelling Kath and or Kim.

11) I am obsessed with my two cats. Obsessed.

12) I love to eat Asian food - any kind, anywhere, anytime. Not chickens feet though.

13) Sometimes I feel like I am 17 and sometimes I feel like I am 60. The 60 bit is usually when I am listening to AM radio.

14) I have been doing my Certificate IV in Training and Assessment for 3 years. That will indicate to you how soul - destroyingly boring it is. It should take a few weeks.

15) I met my husband at Barons ( a seedy old bar in Sydney ) at 4am.
I think it is quite an achievement that from those humble beginnings we have come this far.



Nisha said...

Yay, together we can drive around in circles of confusion! I have no sense of direction either...

And i love your blog background!

Bee said...

I know what you mean about sometimes feeling 17 and sometimes feeling 60. It's quite weird being an adult sometimes and trying to put into context where you are in life and how you're feeling.