Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Inspiration from Aneets.

So, last weekend I actually met someone that reads my blog.
I won't go into how I met the lovely Aneets because quite frankly, it's a long story and a little bit unbelievable.
I will say though that it was an absolute pleasure to meet her and she said some nice things about 'Box of Tricks' - which was great too.

This is Carla Bruni (the song is called ' L'Amoureuse)
- first lady of France, super-model, ex of Mick Jagger.
She is also a great singer. I have had 2 of her albums on my Ipod for a while and I'm a bit of a fan. She sings perfect Sunday afternoon music. Perfect relaxing/pottering around music.

So, in a kind of Richard Mercer, Love Song Dedication way - this is for Aneets.

Thank you. xo


Aneets said...

Yay you're blogging Megs!

Love your taste in music and looking forward to checking out Ms Bruni.

Loved meeting you too ( I love a bit of Richard Mercer too, you're a woman after my own heart...)

Clare said...

Oh I love this megs! I am iTunesing this as we speak.
Now I have another blog to check in on x