Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Up E-A-R-L-Y.

So it's 5.30am and I am off to the hospital now.

Just wanted to thank you all very much for your messages.

As you can guess - they made me cry.
I could cry for Australia in the Olympics I reckon!
I'm a gold medal crier!

Also, thank you for all your support all the way through this saga!!
It has helped me more than you'll ever know.

I'm feeling quite calm and I have all my anaesthetic patches on in preparation for the big needles I'm going to have! Yuk!

So without any further ado, I'm off to give birth!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

I think the 2/2/10 will be a very auspicious day.

I hope something magnificent happens to you too!



Corinne (aka Rinny of Arabia) said...

Bless! Good luck xxx

Kellyansapansa said...

All the very best of luck, I shall be thinking of you all day! Are you sure you can't post blog updates from the delivery room?

Iris said...

Oh my goodness! Good luck Megs, I'll be thinking of you all day (like Kelly)!

Argh, this is so exciting :-D

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

How amazing! I'm so excited for you!!

Best of luck, and by all means, let us know how it goes. You won't be busy with anything else, right?

Cathie said...

oh Megs!! wow, wow, wow!! so very exciting.
thinking of you & awaiting your return

life and the memoirs said...

Just about 9pm on 2/2/2010, I'm wondering how your day has gone?? Thinking of you :)

alliecat said...

Hi! I'm a new follower and so excited to be joining in at the most exciting bit! Hope all went well and can't wait to hear your news!