Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Flowers of the week.

I've been a bit remiss with the old blog here. I haven't posted anything for ages and I must apologise. I've been busy doing not much at all. Hence the lack of inspiration...
BUT, 'Flowers of the week' are always inspiring so I thought in order to 'get back on the horse' so to speak, I would post about these lovely orchids. My favourite flowers of all time. I must say that white ones are extra special aren't they?
I hope you like them.

I'm off to wrack my brain for something interesting to talk about!

Hope all is good with you.



PinkPatentMaryJanes said...

So pretty! I do love a white orchid (not those odd dyed blue numbers - what the hell?) I was just thinking that I need a bunch of fleurs for my desk and you've inspired me to get out and buy some.

Iris said...

Ah, so pretty. Definitely a favourite flower!