Monday, May 24, 2010


I've decided to hit the Refresh button on my life.

I have survived the first four months of motherhood and I'm ready to 'get on with it'. I feel like my life is a bit stagnant. Time to change things up a bit.

There is so much I want to do. Here is my list so far;

1) exercise daily - like I used to.
2) work one or two days a week
3) learn to use the sewing machine I got for Christmas
4) do a post here per day
5) learn how to use our coffee machine ( you know, in case of caffeine emergencies! I took one look at it when we got it and decided that coffee making was Sd's job.)
6) sort out our family budget
7) organise our holiday for the end of this year. 2 weeks at the beach - can't wait!
8) read regularly - I've done well in the last week or so because I started reading Oprah's unauthorised biography by Kitty Kelly and it's fascinating.
9) go and see someone about my anxiety. I really thought that I had gotten on top of it. But no.
The last thing J needs is an overly anxious mother.
10) decide what I want to do next - another baby? think about planning to open the store I've had in the back of my mind? something else?

There are about a million more things floating around in my head but I wont get carried away. I think these are more than enough for now!

Ps. Happy 4 months J - you're the best baby ever. xxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo



Corinne (aka Rinny of Arabia) said...

Wow what a great list! Best of luck!

TheRealSydney said...

Good on you megs ... love your list, I need to fit some reading and some exercise into my days ... I'm gonna take your lead. x